1. studying 1294 popular songs from 1913 to 1932 as they appeared in films released from 1968-2008 and finding that while songs from 1913-32 were all under copyright, the songs from 1923-32 were significantly more likely to appear in movie soundtracks;REV. ECON. RES. ON COPYRIGHT ISSUES,2009
2. See supra note 14. See also Steven Ward Gaches, Balancing Interests: The DMCA Debacle in Viacom v. Youtube, 19 U;BALT. INTELL. PROP. L.J,2010
3. Youtube--All Eyes Blind: the Limits of the DMCA in a Web 2.0 World, 26 BERKELEY TECH;Amir Hassanabadi;L.J,2011