1. The United Nations and Counter-Terrorism: Multilateral and Executive Law-Making;N D See;Note, all chapter references given in the report, refer to AM Salinas de Fri�s,2012
2. UNGA annual resolutions on the 'protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism;UNGA Res,2010
3. ICJ Rep 64, the International Court of Justice confirmed that although the Security Council (and it follows, also the General Assembly) is an organ with a political nature, that its political character could not exempt it from observance of the UN Charter's (rule of law);Furthermore;Conditions of Admission of a State to the United Nations,1948
4. Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, 25th May 1993 (UN Doc S/RES/827(1993)), OXIO 66