1. General Allotment Act is a mighty pulverizing engine to break up the tribal mass [acting] directly upon the family and the individual;A COMPILATION OF THE MESSAGES AND PAPERS OF THE PRESIDENTS 1789-1902,1901
2. Not Because They are Brown, but Because of Ea: Why the Good Guys Lost in Rice v. Cayetano, and Why They Didn't Have to Lose;See Gavin Clarkson;7 MICH J. RACE & L,2002
4. The statute is also known as the Dawes Act after Senator Henry L. Dawes of Massachusetts. While the Dawes Act represented the final, full-scale realization of the allotment policy, many treaties made with western tribes from 1865 to 1868 provided for allotment in severalty of tribal lands;The Reformers and the American Indians,1887