1. Of course, the current state of liability for unmitigated climate change domestically and in international law is receiving the attention of legal academics and practitioners world wide. See, for example;Climate Change Liability: Transnational Law and Practice,2006
2. Insurance Law Principles in an International Context: Compensating Losses Caused by Climate Change;Alberta Law Review,2013
3. State Responsibility for Climate Change Damages;For an overview of loss & damage and its role in the climate regime, see Roda Verheyen, Loss and Damage: Tackling Loss & Damage -A new role for the climate regime? (2012), online: Loss and Damage in Vulnerable Countries Initiative,2008
4. For an overview of party positions on loss & damage, see Sonke Kreft;Koko See;Loss and Damage Due to Climate Change: An Overview of the UNFCCC Negotiations, online: European Capacity Building Initiative,2012