Beyond Campaign Finance Reform


Abu El-Haj Tabatha


Elsevier BV

Reference66 articles.

1. 8HNA-8EC5] (characterizing turnout rates of 11 % of registered voters (approximately 30,000 voters) as about average in New York congressional districts). Members of Congress from Kansas and New York represent about 725,000 constituents each. See Fast Facts for Congress;Matthew Hamilton;Congressional Primary Turnout Was Average-and Underwhelming, TIMESUNION,2016

2. For turnout and registration statistics, see Elections & Voting Statistics;199 The seat is safe for the Republican Party but Paul Ryan,2016

3. Even Senate seats are often uncompetitive because of the sheer cost of running a successful senatorial bid. See HACKER & PIERSON, supra note 41, at 125-26. 207 A longitudinal study of all fifty states from 1978 to 1990, found "an enduring relationship between the degree of mobilization of lower-class voters and the generosity of welfare benefits," while identifying conditions under which that relationship does not prevail. Kim Quaile Hill et al., Lower-Class Mobilization and Policy Linkage in the U.S. States, 39;E G See;The Policy Consequences of Class Bias in State Electorates,1992

4. Voting's Rewards: Voter Turnout, Attentive Publics, and Congressional Allocation of Federal Money, 47;Paul S Martin;AM. J. POL. SCI,2003

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