1. A New Agenda for Peace;Ant�nio Guterres;Our Common Agenda Policy Brief,2023
2. Contesting Post-Liberalism: One Step Forwards or Two Steps Backwards?;P Oliver;Journal of International Relations and Development,2014
3. For the kind of perspective the local turn seems to suggest, see Hristov, Jasmin, Paramilitarism and Neoliberalism: Violent Systems of Capital Accumulation in Colombia and Beyond;John Gray;Social Research,1994
4. Affirmative Sabotage of the Master's Tools: The Paradox of Post-colonial Enlightenment;Vivienne Jabri;The Postcolonial Subject: Claiming Politics/Governing Others in Late Modernity,2013
5. The third debate: On the prospects of international theory in a post-positivist era;Jack S Levy;Annual Review of Political Science,1989