1. This also counts true for members of organised armed groups who forfeit their combatant status by disrespecting IHL: see Jensen;Humanit�res V�lkerrecht-Informationsschriften
2. Status of Detainees at Guantanamo;Response of the US dated 21 October 2005 to the inquiry of the UNCHR Special Rapporteur pertaining to detainees at Guantanamo Bay,2002
3. For a thorough study that is critical of this third category, in particular with regard to international armed conflicts, see Wieczorek (n 56) 125. For civilian status according to the Israel Supreme Court, see Targeted Killing (n 6) para 26 ('An unlawful combatant is not a combatant, rather a "civilian"'). In favour of this category for purely semantic reasons: Katharina Parameswaran;Besatzungsrecht im Wandel: Zur heutigen Bedeutung des Besatzungsrechts,2008