1. Estimated coefficient values for time fixed effects are not reported. The first column designates the dependent variable. If the dependent variable is Press Freedom, the independent variable is Corruption, and vice versa. The second to forth columns report estimated coefficient values for different lagged values of the independent variable (absolute t-values in parentheses) used in the regression. Estimated coefficient values of lagged values of the dependent variable used on the right-hand side of the regression are not reported. The fifth column gives the pvalue for the F-test of the hypothesis that all ? coefficients are jointly insignificant. A p-value of 5%, for example, signifies that the hypothesis that all ? coefficients are jointly insignificant can be rejected at the 5% significance level;Note: Each row of the table reports the results of a country fixed effects regression, where in addition time fixed effects have been included
2. Property Rights, Corruption and the Allocation of Talent : A General Equilibrium Approach;D Acemoglu;Economic Journal,1998
3. The Choice between Market Failures and Corruption;D Acemoglu;American Economic Review,2000
4. National Champions and Corruption: Some Unpleasant Interventionist Arithmetic;A Ades;Economic Journal,1997
5. The New Economics of Corruption: A Survey and some New Results;A Ades;Political Studies Association,1997