1. Project Description Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative AFC-2A and AFC-2B Experiments
2. Note: Pre-AFC covers 1987Q1 up to 1997Q1. Post-AFC covers 1999Q1 up to 2016Q2. US, PRC, and individual AXC economy business cycles are based on the Hodrick-Prescott filtered seasonally adjusted GDP at constant prices. Source: ADB calculations using data from Bloomberg LP; International Monetary Fund;AFC = Asian financial crisis, AXC = emerging East Asia excluding the PRC, PRC = Peoples,2016
3. Trade Linkages and Output-Multiplier Effects: a Structural VAR Approach with a Focus on Asia;Tilak Abeysinghe;Review of International Economics,2005
4. Dancing Together? Spillovers, Common Shocks, and the Role of Financial and Trade Linkages;Abdul Abiad;In World Economic Outlook,2013