Rhetoric and Communication. Studies of the Theory and Application of Transformation Processes from Antiquity to the Age of the Global Mass Communication


Haase Fee-Alexandra


Elsevier BV

Reference273 articles.

1. Quintilian (8.4.3.; 8.4.26-27.) mentions congeries. Quintilian (9.3.45.) mentioned that sometimes the beginnings and conclusions of phrases are made to correspond with each other by means of words which, though different, are yet of a similar signification. The beginnings for example, thus: Dediderim periculis omnibus, obtulerim insidiis, objecerim invidiae: "I would have thrown him into every kind of danger, I would have exposed him to treachery, I would have consigned him to public odium;) mentions frequentatio. Interpretatio, congeries, and synonyma are used for piling up words of differing meaning for a similar emotional effect. Synanthroismus (synathroismos) and frequentatio is the conglomeration of many words and expressions with similar meaning (synonymia) or not (congeries)

2. Ordering the similarity of structure in a pair or series of related text sequences (words, phrases, or clauses). Aristotle (Rhetoric) does not use parallelismos. Parallelismus occurs as figure in post-classical rhetorical treatises;Quintilian;Linguistic Area: Syntactics FOW Classification: Figure of Words for word conjunctions at 'Macro Textual Level' FOW Perversion








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