1. Fuel Additives
2. reporting evidence from "a nonprofit coalition of institutional investors, environmental organizations, and other public interest groups" that corporations "needed more experience at communicating the risks associated with climate change"). The world's largest proxy advisory firm, which advises institutional shareholders on corporate governance, issued a report on the response to SEC's guidance with a press release titled;Gary See;Press Release, ISS Corporate Services,2010
3. which have teamed up to ensure that drug manufacturers are not misleading investors about their prospects of regulatory approval. Sec. & Exch. Comm'n, SEC and FDA Take Steps to Enhance Inter-Agency Cooperation;4B3M-MGXE; Food & Drug Admin., FDA and SEC Work to Enhance Public's Protection from False and Misleading Statements,2004
4. How Does the Stock Market React to the Announcement of Green Policies?;Vikash Ramiah;Company stocks respond to news regarding environmental regulation in both the short term and long term. See,2013