1. Campo Band of Mission Indians v. Superior Court, 137 Cal. App. 4th 175 (Cal. Ct. App. 2006).
2. le r�qu�rant, evinc� d'un concours auquel il se serait pr�sent� avec des chances s�r-ieuses de succ�s en raison de ses titres et travaux, a subi un pr�judice".). As to the debate, see;G Viney & P. Jourdain;J. Ghestin,1965
3. Note for example the tense unease in the foliowing statement from a British judge: "I do not consider that damages for loss of an expectation are excluded in cases of negligence arising under the principle in Hedley Byrne, simply because the cause of action is classifred as tortious. Such damages may in principle be recoverable in cases of contractual negligence; and I cannot see that, for present purposes, any relevant distinction can be drawn between the two forms of action;R Diretto Da;Jones, AC,1995