1. After 40 years of growing incarceration in the United States, prison populations began to decline in 2010, albeit very slowly. Policymakers took a hard look at alternatives to long prison sentences in order to conserve resources. Thus, the last few years have seen a slight downturn in the American public's punitiveness and the system's level of retribution. Unfortunately, the gap between American and Norwegian views on retribution and rehabilitation remains vast. Indeed, many American and European articles have been written expressing their shock over the luxury and comfort of Norwegian prisons. Some articles describe Norwegian prisons as "posh" and "luxurious" or resembling a "boutique hotel;United States became to punish wrongdoers, and punish them harsher as conditions deteriorated and sentences lengthened,2008
2. However, the scenes of these prisons were cut from the documentary because Moore believed no Americans would believe they were real, and it would detract from his credibility;Conway incredulously stated that Norwegian prisons could only become more liberal if the officers turned the keys over to the inmates themselves