1. Enabling Clause is an exception to Article I.1 of the GATT 1994 (MFN clause). 109 Given the explicit reference to the "provisions of the Article I" of the GATT in the paragraph 1 of the Enabling Clause, this is the most immediate and closest-to-the-mind interpretation of the legal status of the Enabling Clause in the WTO legal framework;the end results have always been the same: resumption of the continued debate on the legal merits of the issue. In a broad perspective and according to the Appellate Body ruling
2. 111 Drawing an analogy, the question arises here as whether this ruling also applies to our understanding (and that of Secretariat) of legal status of paragraph 2(c)? To this author, the answer is positive. Accordingly, paragraph 2(c) of Enabling Clause does not exclude the applicability of the GATT Article XXIV provisions. Where and when applicability of the Article XXIV begins is a matter of another analogy. This is the point where competing positions by WTO members arise, as seen in the GCC instance. The Panel in the "EC Preferences;GATT Article XXIV exempting full compliance with its requirements by RTAs among developing countries,1994
3. Trends in Low- and Middle-Income Country Debt Flows and Stocks, 2015