1. Kx/ ]1 ^4<<6`^4<<6`= Wkh \lhog Fxuyh dqg Uhdo Dfwlylw|/ LPI Vwd Sdshu/ 73 +7,/ :;40;3:1 ^5;` Mrqghdx/ H1/ hw U1 Ulfduw ^4<<;` = Oh frqwhqx hq lqirupdwlrq gh od shqwh ghv wdx{ frqfhuqdqw o*�yroxwlrq ixwxuh ghv wdx{ g*lqw�u�w hw gh o*lq dwlrq hq Iudqfh;^59`Kduyh|/ F1U1 ^4<<4`^4<<4`= Lqwhuhvw Udwh Edvhg Iruhfdvwv ri Jhupdq Hfrqrplf Jurz0 wk/ Zhowzluwvfkdiwolfkhv Dufkly
2. On the \lq \lq Galois closure\rq \rq for torsors
3. Linear orders and MA + ¬wKH
4. A fast and flexible HW/SW co-processing framework for Time-of-Flight 3D imaging