Nonparametric Tail Risk, Stock Returns and the Macroeconomy


Almeida Caio,Ardison Kym Marcel Martins,Garcia Renn,Vicente Jose


Elsevier BV

Reference3 articles.

1. ADS represents the Aruoba, Diebold and Scotti macroeconomic activity indicator (02/1960 -04/2014), KCFED represents the Kansas City FED macroeconomic indicator index (01/1990 -04/2014), NBER represents a recession period dummy (07/1926 -04/2014), CFNAI represents the Chicago FED National Activity Index (02/1967 -04/2014), Fin and Macro Uncert. indicates Jurando, Ludvigson and Ng (2015) financial and macroeconomic uncertainty index respectively;Predictive regressions are run for a variety of macroeconomic indicators

2. All regressions control for 12 lags of the endogenous variable;Louis FED Financial Stress Index (01/1994 -04/2014) and EPU represents the Economic Policy Uncertainty Index of Backer, Bloom and Davis,2015

3. Macro refers to Bali, Brown and Caglayan (2014) macroeconomic uncertainty index (01/1994 -12/2013) and CAFTIN denotes Allen, Bali and Tang (2012) systemic risk measure (01/1973 -12/2012). All regressions control for 12 lags of the endogenous variable. Bali, Brown and Caglayan (2014) is I(1) so we perform the regression in first differences;Predictive regressions are run for a variety of Tail Risk indexes using the Hellinger Tail Risk as a predictor. KJ refers to Kelly and Jiang (2014) tail risk index,1963

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