1. Subject Index
2. Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach, 76;Gary S Becker;J. POL. ECON,1968
3. However, in the context of the OFFP, the potential criminals were sophisticated multinational corporations making strategic financial decisions; for example, reports indicate that they balked when SOMO attempted to raise the surcharge from $0.10 to $0.50 per barrel, only reentering the market when the surcharge rate was reduced to $0.25 to $0.30, and eventually to $0.15 a barrel. Regardless of ethical or other considerations, it can be presumed that they acted in rational self-interest. INDEPENDENT INQUIRY COMMITTEE INTO THE UNITED NATIONS OIL-FOR-FOOD PROGRAMME (IIC);Korobkin & Ulen;The presumption of rationality that underlies economic deterrence theories has been challenged by critics who note that "drugs, rage, psychosis,2002