1. Many smokers even support cigarette tax increases;E G See;Cigarette Taxes and Their Proposed Uses: Support Among Smokers and Non-Smokers in Different Income Groups in Texas,2005
2. Public good" is a term of art for a good that is both non-excludable and non-rivalrous;PUBLIC FINANCE AND PUBLIC POLICY,2007
3. Can Joe the Plumber Support Redistribution? Law, Social Preferences, and Sustainable Policy Design
4. some Scandinavian and some Middle Eastern countries), but in the US most natural resources are private and most government revenues are generated from taxes;Some governments raise revenue from owning natural resources
5. analyzing the evolution of the federal income tax system in the United States and comparing it to the evolution in France and the United Kingdom). See also Leonard E. Burman, Taxes and Inequality, 66 TAX L. REV;See Saez & Piketty, supra note 41,2013