1. 4 Legal Acts, 4.2 Solange I, BverfGE 37, 291, 29 May 1974; Solange II , BverfGE 73, 339, 22 October 1986; Solange III, BverfGE 89, 155 12 October 1993; and Solange IV, BverfGE 102, 147, 7 June 2000
2. The Federal Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany: Decisions on the Constitutionality of Legal Norms;Wolfgang Zeidler;Notre Dame Law Review
3. For a comprehensive summary of the case law regarding severability within the United Sates jurisdiction see Michael D. Shumsky, Severability, Inseverability, and the Rule of Law;Harv. J. on Legis
4. For a criticism of the approach of the American law to partial unconstitunality see Kevin C. Walsh, Partial Unconstitutionality;U;N.Y.U.L. Rev,1987