The Public Display Right: The Copyright Act's Neglected Solution to the Controversy Over 'RAM Copies'


Reese R. Anthony


Elsevier BV

Reference48 articles.

1. ); see also INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE TASK FORCE, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE NATIONAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE;See Mark;The Motion Picture and Television Industry's Copyright Concerns on the Internet, 5 UCLA ENT,1995

2. Supplying a product, however, is not the same as transferring ownership of a material object, particularly in the context of computer networks, where the "product" offered is access to copyrighted works. A cinema that screens motion pictures to paying customers could be described as "supplying a product" containing a copyrighted work, but the cinema is, rather clearly, not distributing copies to the public. Playboy Enters. v. Russ Hardenburgh, Inc. was another case involving the posting and downloading of Playboy photographs on a computer BBS;Frena, 839 F. Supp. at 1556,1997

3. Subscribers could access the company's World Wide Web site and view and download the image files. See id. at 550. The court held that the defendants violated Playboy's exclusive rights of reproduction, distribution, and display in its copyrighted photographs, stating that defendants "'distributed' PEI's copyrighted works by allowing its users to download and print copies of electronic image files;Inc Webbworld;defendants downloaded image files from Usenet newsgroups, produced two "thumbnail" versions of each image, and copied the files for the original image and the two thumbnails to the storage devices of twelve web servers. See 991 F. Supp,1997

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