1. In its decision remanding the case to the state board, the California Supreme Court had only suggested that "some responsible body ought to reconsider the allocation of the waters of the Mono Basin;WL 758358 (Cal. State Water Resources Control Board,1994
2. Shallow-Water Piscivore-Prey Dynamics in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
3. At least partly in response to public trust claims, it has altered and restricted diversions of major diverters in order to protect fisheries and water quality, without attempting to include all diverters and without reference to priority of appropriation. See In the Matter of Complaints Against Diversion and Use of Water By the California-American Water Company;Id;*13. The Board decided that "[n]othing in the Audubon decision requires the Board to initiate proceedings to exercise jurisdiction over every possible water right on public trust grounds,1995