1. Sources: for aggregate (nominal) values see sources to Table 7; per capita (nominal) values: Statistical Yearbook;The 2000 value of the change in inventories is -12.4b yuan in the pre-economic census series, and 99.84b yuan in the post-economic census series. Sources: aggregate values: Statistical Yearbook,1993
2. Zhongguo jingji pucha niandu guonei shengchan zongzhi hesuan fangfa (Calculation method of China's annual gross domestic product from China's economic census). NBS National Income Accounts Division. Beijing: Zhongguo tongji chubanshe;Gov Dries;Fifty-five Years,1992
3. Sixty Years. Xin zhongguo liushi nian tongji ziliao huibian (Comprehensive atatistical materials on 60 years of the New China;Statistical Abstract. Zhongguo tongji zhaiyao (China Statistical Abstract). Beijing: Zhongguo tongji chubanshe,1949