1. With majority rule, the median voter along the ideological spectrum determines the outcome. In the U.S., that voter is white. Median voters are likely to be more disposed to policies that help African-Americans (e.g., spending on schools, or health for the poor) if they feel that African-Americans are supportive of the welfare of the polity. 40 The world of pluralistic politics is messier; policies reflect the tugand-haul among constituency groups as they seek to influence elected and appointed leaders. In the struggle and negotiation that ensues, whites play a major role;A parallel argument applies if either majority rule voting or pluralistic politics is employed to make decisions
2. Crime Rates by Race and Causal Relevance: A Response to Levin;J Adler;Journal of Social Philosophy,1993
3. Racial Generalizations, Police Discretion, and Bayesian Contractualism;A I Applbaum;Kleinig,1996