1. From its very beginnings, copyright entails a right to control certain acts of 'copying'. The verb 'to copy' was probably first used, in its current legal meaning, in the Engravers' Copyright Act of 1735. See R Deazley;The Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Age,1450
2. B. Measures under Enforcement Directive 2004/48/EC of 29 April 2004
3. or in any other manner copy and sell, or cause to be engraved, etched, or copied and sold, in the whole or in part, by varying, adding to, or diminishing from, the main design, ...'; also see Article 6 of the Fine Art Copyright Act of 1862: 'If the Author of any Painting, Drawing, or Photograph in which there shall be subsisting Copyright, after having sold or disposed of such Copyright, or if any other Person;See eg the Engraver's Copyright Act (1735) which defines the scope of infringement as follows: 'engrave, etch, or work