1. ) Issuers placing their securities through foreign banks are calculated as a residual by comparing securities issues according to the Bank of Italy's Securities Register against banks' reports of placements. Issuers whose issuance is recorded in the Securities Register but not reported by the banks as placed in their supervisory financial reporting are classified as residual. (2) Million euros. -(3) Per cent. -(4) Scale of increasing risk from 1 to 9;Source: Company Accounts Data Service, supervisory reporting and Central Credit Register
2. Why don't US issuers demand European fees for IPOs?;M Abrahamson;The Journal of Finance,2011
3. Underwriter Reputation and IPO Issuer Alignment;R Carter;The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,1981
4. Underwriter Reputation, Initial Returns, and the Long Run Performance of IPO Stocks;R Carter;The Journal of Finance,1998