The Carboniferous Gondwanan Lycophyte Bumbudendron, Revisited


Coturel Eliana Paula


Elsevier BV

Reference40 articles.

1. Leaf cushions rhombic, 7 mm long, 4 mm wide, with acute apex and base, locally fused with the succeeding cushion. Foliar scar triangular to transversely oval, in the centre of the cushion or slightly displaced distally. Vascular trace circular in the lower portion of the scar. Foliar scar separating two fields: lower field longer than upper field and bearing a keeled infrafoliar bladder that does not reach the base of the cushion. Remarks. The diagnosis is emended to exclude the absence of ligule pit and parichnos as diagnostic characters. Bumbudendron peruvianum (Pfefferkorn and Alleman) comb. nov. 1922 Lepidodendron rimosum;Cariglino;Paratype: LIL 1020-1033, MPM Pb 2802,1922

2. Lic�podos de Paracas: Significaci�n geol�gica y paleoclimatol�gica;V Alleman;Bolet�n de la Sociedad Geol�gica del Per�,1988

3. Three dwarf lycophytes from the Carboniferous of Argentina;S Archangelsky;Scripta Geologica,1981

4. El g�nero Lycopodiopsis (Lycopodiopsidaceae, Lepidodendrales), del Carb�nico Medio-P�rmico Inferior de Argentina;O G Arrondo;Ameghiniana,1979

5. Bumbudendron millani (Arrondo et Petriella) n. comb., del Carb�nico-P�rmico de Argentina y Brasil;O G Arrondo;Ameghiniana,1985







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