Private Enforcement of MAR in European Law


Busch Danny


Elsevier BV

Reference44 articles.

1. JOR 2012/243 with note by Willems; Ondernemingsrecht 2012/ 267 with note by De Jong; NTBR 2012/262 with note by Arons. Finally, the principle described above can be extended to cover investors who are solely contractual counterparties (and hence not clients) of a financial undertaking. If supervision rules are infringed in this situation, the relativity requirement is also automatically fulfilled. For a detailed consideration of how this relates to infringement of the requirement of prompt public disclosure of inside information, see;G T J Hoff;AFM) is performed not only in the public interest but also to protect the proprietary rights of 'clients'. As regards prudential supervision, see Dutch Parliamentary Papers II,2003

2. Moore, Michael S. Causation and Responsibility: An Essay in Law, Morals, and Metaphysics.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Pp. 605. $50.00 (paper).

3. with note by Du Perron; AA (2010) 336, with note by Raaijmakers; JOR 2010/43, with note by Frielink (Vereniging van Effectenbezitters and Others v;Court Dutch Supreme;World Online International NV,2009

4. For the record, it should be noted that the Prospectus Directive has subsequently been amended as a consequence of Directive 2010/73/EU. The changes had to be transposed into national law by 1 July 2012 at the latest (Article 3, Directive 2010/73/EU). This was achieved in the Netherlands. For a detailed discussion of the obligation to publish a prospectus;World Online International NV,2009







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