1. Colombia - Indicative Prices and Restrictions on Ports of Entry
2. Japan - Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages
3. China - Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products
4. Indonesia -Autos, para. 14.113; Panel Report, Argentina -Hides and Leather;Canada -Autos
5. What's more, the method an analogue country is chosen is different. However, the EU and U.S. employ the similar NME methodology in general. The analysis in this paper brings the system of special treatment of NME countries into serious questioning. It has been argued that the NME methodology created "a second class of WTO membership" and the NME provided a tool for "pandering to selective lobbying for protection, thereby avoiding the use of more blatant and measureable protectionist policies". 64 Arguably, the situation provided under Article VI GATT is no longer the case; thus, there would be a great chance for the relevant members to gain a favourable ruling from the WTO. 65 From the EC-Fasteners and EU-Footwear case;U S Eu;as NMEs. In addition, the concept of market economy treatment of individual companies is reflected differently between