1. LAS VEGAS SANDS CORP., a Nevada corporation, Plaintiff, v. UKNOWN REGISTRANTS OF www.wn0000.com, www.wn1111.com, www.wn2222.com, www.wn3333.com, www.wn4444.com, www.wn5555.com, www.wn6666.com, www.wn7777.com, www.wn8888.com, www.wn9999.com, www.112211.com, www.4456888.com, www.4489888.com, www.001148.com, and www.2289888.com, Defendants.
2. See also B. Appelbaum, Trump Signals Readiness for Battle over Trade;S Donnan;_r=0; N. Timiraos, D. Benoit & D. Peletta, Trump's New Appointments Shake Up Trade,2016
3. But his choice of advisers makes it clear that strict enforcement of trade rules, including with import barriers, is on the table;Editorial;Wall ST. J,2017