1. Report to the Survival Service Commission, IUCN and the Endangered Wildlife Trust: Kaokoland, South West Africa / Namibia
2. 100 However, based on the record the Utah Commission did not believe that the gain resulted solely from the appreciation of investment assets. The Company had been granted an accelerated depreciation of the assets. In addition, the utility was selling more than the physical plant; it was also selling the privilege of providing monopoly telecommunication services (subject to Commission approval), which has value per se and for which the utility paid nothing. As a result, the Utah Commission found it reasonable to share some of the benefit with the ratepayer;P U;doing so,1995
3. During the test year, the Company sold a parcel of land in Gloucester with a book value of $2,206 to an unrelated party for $5,000. The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities policy with respect to gains on the sale of utility property is that the return to ratepayers of the entire gain associated with the sale, if those assets were recorded above-the-line and supported by ratepayers;P U R;Phase I) (Mass. Dep't Pub. Utils. 1996)