1. L 331) 34-35 (on the promotion of positive action for women);C 186) 3 (approving the general objectives of the new Community Action Programme on the promotion of equal opportunities for women,1982
2. An Introduction to the General Principle of Equality in EC Law;Ag) F G Jacobs;THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUAL TREATMENT IN EC LAW 1,1997
3. The Principle of Proportionality
4. When proportionality was first enunciated as a legal principle in Europe, it was invoked in the context of policing to curb excessive forms of repression. In the 1980s, it became a form of heightened scrutiny in Germany's equal protection jurisprudence, meant to be applied when the legislation under review drew differences on the basis of such "immutable characteristics" as listed in Article 3(3) of the Basic Law;; Proportionality;TEXT, CASES, AND MATERIALS 350,1998