Western Europe: Last Holdout in the Worldwide Acceptance of Clinical Legal Education


Wilson Richard J.


Elsevier BV

Reference31 articles.

1. 67 !! ! These! visionary! critiques! took! shape! later! in! the! decade! of! the! 1990s,! when! forty"six! participating!countries,!including!the!entire!European!Union!membership,!signed!onto!the! 1998! Sorbonne! Declaration! and! the! 1999! Bologna! Declaration,! along! with! several! additional! communiqu�s! over! the! past! decade,! all! collectively! referred! to! today! as! the! Bologna!Process,!with!a!goal!to!create!a!so"called!European!Higher!Education!Area!(EHEA)! by! the! year! 2010. 68 ! This! section! discusses! briefly! the! possibilities! opened,! through! the! Bologna!process,!for!reform!of!curricula,!in!Germany!and!elsewhere!in!Western!Europe,!to! include! a! component! of! clinical! legal! education.! Particular! emphasis! is! giving! here! to! a! project!within!the!Bologna!process!called!"Tuning;! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Curriculum!of!training;!legal!skills!and!values!has!a!place!alongside!the!teaching!of!legal! analysis,! critical! thinking! and! legal! theory,! "irrespective! of! any! potential! changes! in! the! length!or!organization!of!the!Referenderiat,2008

2. So much more than teeth!

3. language! critiques! are! both! by! Johannes! Riedel,! a! civil! servant! in! the! Justice! Ministry! of! North;! Two;Rhine/Westphalia! in! D�sseldorf.! Johannes! Riedel,! LL.M.,! The! Reform! of! Legal! Education! in! Germany,! European! Law! Faculties! Association,2009

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