1. AgEncy, officE of Air And rAdiAtion, officE of rESEArch And dEv., rESPirAtory hEAlth EffEctS of PASSivE Smoking: lUng cAncEr And othEr diSordErS, rEP. 600-6-90-006F (199); see also Flue-Cured Tobacco Coop;U S Envtl;Stabilization Corp. v. U.S. Envtl. Prot. Agency, 1 F.d,2002
2. The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General
3. Early Evidence on the Effectiveness of Clean Indoor Air Legislation in New York State, 96;E G See;Am. J. PUb. hEAlth,2006