1. (A16) along with properties of inverse and transposition operations in matrix algebra [42]. It shows that the transformation of the Precision Matrix is identical to the transformation of the metric tensor (A8) (relation (3.9) in the text). Therefore, the quantity in the multivariate normal distribution (A10) and in (A14) is invariant to ?𝑆 transformations of variables. Relations (A11), A(13) and A(17) show that precision matrix can be considered as a metric 𝐴;Relation (A17) is obtained using (A15)
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3. Fundamentals of Computerized Tomography
4. Espina Special Ultrasonic Flowmeters for In-Situ Diagnosis of Swirl and Cross Flow;T T Yeh;Proceedings of ASME FEDSM'01 2001 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting,2001
5. Theory and application of non-intrusive ultrasonic cross-correlation flow meter in harsh environment;Y Gurevich;Proceedings of the 9 th International Conference on Flow Measurement, FLOMEKO'98