1. calculating that the efficiency loss to society of policy to raise $2.25 billion per year to fund an Internet subsidy to schools and libraries to be approximately $1.25 per dollar raised, or a total of approximately $2.36 billion per year;See Jerry Hausman;Taxation by Telecommunications Regulation,1998
2. Predictive Dialing for Outbound Telephone Call Centers
3. Accordingly, argues Krattenmaker, "it is both bad competition policy and bad regulatory policy to think that one can achieve properly functioning telecommunications markets while a regulator sees to it that these same markets generate subsidized pro;See Thomas;The Telecommunications Act of,1996
4. What Hath Congress Wrought? Reorienting Economic Analysis After the 1996 Act, ANTITRUST (American Bar Assoc. Spring 1997) 32, 34 and citations therein; see also Harold Demsetz, Barriers to Entry;AM. ECON. REV,1982