1. Ewanrigg bronze age cremation cemetery, Cumbria
2. + ? 2 ChangeCitySpending c,1930?32 + X c + ? t + ? r + c,t , Our sample encompasses the years 1932 and 1933. Extremist Vote tracks the share of votes obtained by the national socialist party. The coefficients of interest are ? 1 and ? 2 , which show the impact of the local population to die from influenza in 1918 as well as the change in per-capita city spending between 1930 and 1932, respectively. The specification includes city-tier and year fixed effects;Note: This table shows the coefficients for equation: ExtremistVote c,r,t = ? 0 + ? l In f luenzaMortality r,1918
3. Figure 6—figure supplement 3. Bacterial composition in fecal samples at phylum level.
4. Extremist Vote tracks the share of votes obtained by the national socialist party. The coefficient of interest is ? 1 which show the impact of the share of the local population to die from tuberculosis or accidents in 1918. The specification includes city-tier and year fixed effects;Note: This table shows the coefficients for equation: ExtremistVote c,r,t = ? 0 + ? l Mortality r,1918
5. Figure 6—figure supplement 3. Bacterial composition in fecal samples at phylum level.