1. Source for IDP data: IDMC's Global Internal Displacement Database. Google basemap. facilities, main office expenses;S2 Figure;Map of Kandahar City showing the locations of the four VTCs in red, and surrounding IDP camp locations in blue,2014
2. Among the 2,597 INVEST participants, 1,276 (49.13%) were Kandaharis while 1,321 (50.87%) were IDPs. On average, participants were 20.4 years old (median: 18 years), but their ages ranged from 10 to 51. 79.3% self-identify as Pashtun. Unlike the Nigeria (Scacco and Warren, 2018) and Iraq (Mousa, 2020) studies which recruited men only, women comprise 36.2% of our sample (n=940). Only 28% were employed at baseline, 77.6% of the sample reported earning no income at all during the past month;Recruits were identified by Mercy Corps, three provincial Departments -the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR), the Education Department, and Ministry of Labour
3. Section S5 of the SI gives an overview of the displacement history among our migrant participants. The majority at 58% were displaced due to the Taliban, as opposed to government violence or natural disasters. Approximately two-thirds were displaced within Afghanistan, as opposed to being 1. Thinking about the past six months, approximately how much interaction did you have with refugees/migrants outside of the INVEST program in your community?;S1 shows demographic summary statistics grouped by displacement status
4. What Do You Say to Your Clients When They Feel They Have Been Retraumatized?