1. The 10 Worst Data Breaches of 2015 (So Far);Roy Urrico;CREDIT UNION TIMES,2015
2. ISACA identifies top five social media risks for business
3. LAS VEGAS SANDS CORP., a Nevada corporation, Plaintiff, v. UKNOWN REGISTRANTS OF www.wn0000.com, www.wn1111.com, www.wn2222.com, www.wn3333.com, www.wn4444.com, www.wn5555.com, www.wn6666.com, www.wn7777.com, www.wn8888.com, www.wn9999.com, www.112211.com, www.4456888.com, www.4489888.com, www.001148.com, and www.2289888.com, Defendants.
4. Outside threats are the biggest concern
5. E-Commerce and Electronic Payment System Risks: Lessons from PayPal, 16 U.C. DAVIS BUS;E G See;L.J