1. Strategies for Two-Sided Markets;G Eisenmann;Harvard Business Review,2006
2. As the demand for one side, for instance video game developer, depends on the platform's (the video game console) other side, viz. the number of costumers, the platform operator could decide to demand a price from the game developer in order to have its software exploited on the medium. However, the willingness to pay for a consumer appears to be higher, when a console has numerous games. Hence, the console's operator would do best at establishing a lower price for software developers;D S Evans;and 50 ff., available online at ,2014
3. This concept originally was used to describe a device being able to connect to more than one computer network, providing for a more reliable IP network. The opposite is called singlehoming;D S Evans;p. available online at ,2014
4. The Antitrust Analysis of Multi-Sided Platform Businesses;E G;Oxford Handbook on International Antitrust Economics
5. Multi-Sided Platforms: From Microfoundations to Design and Expansion Strategies;various articles, it is simply mentioned as an example of two-sidedness. Cf. A. Hagiu,2008