1. According to the test, a contract is an investment contract if it concerns: (i) an investment of money; (ii) in a common enterprise; (iii) in expectation of profits; (iv) solely from the efforts of a third party. The last element of the test underscores that, in order to qualify as an investment contract (and thus as a security), the investment's returns must depend on the managerial efforts of a third party;The SEC applied the "Howey test
2. these percentages had changed to 52% (drivers working full time at another job), 14% (drivers working part time at another job), 33% (drivers working full time for Uber;partnering with Uber, and roughly 38% worked for the company full time. By,2015
3. Inside an Amazon Warehouse, Robots' Ways Rub Off on Humans;Ceylan Yeginsu;If Workers Slack Off, the Wristband Will Know. (And Amazon Has a Patent for It,2018