1. Pooled prevalence was not statistically different among controls by age, setting, or method of detection. Prevalence of pan-HAdV was statistically different by development index (p=0�0132);�1% For Hadv-F;95% CI 0�9 -4�9; Table 3)
2. There was an insufficient number of studies with non-AGE control data to estimate pooled prevalences of HAdV-F by setting, method of detection, or development index. A total of 104 (65%) studies reported test results for at least one pathogen other than pan-HAdV. Among pan-HAdV positive AGE case-patients, the median proportion of an additional co-detected pathogen was 28% (range 0 -100%). Seven (4%) studies reported test results for at least one pathogen other than pan-HAdV among non-AGE controls. Among non-AGE controls, the median proportion of pan-HAdV positives with a co;LMD countries
3. HAdV-F40 and HAdV-F41 genotyping results were available for 2,629 pan-HAdV positive specimens across 31 (19%) studies. A total of 317 (12%) specimens were typed as HAdV-F40, 1,495 (57%) as HAdV-F41, and 817 (31%) as another HAdV genotype. The proportion of HAdV-F40 and HAdV-F41 varied widely by study; HAdV-F40 was reported for 0% -61% of genotyped HAdVs in each study, and HAdV-F41 was reported for 10% -100% of genotyped HAdVs in each study. No studies reported genotyping data for non-AGE controls;There was insufficient number of studies