1. prepared for The Rockefeller Foundation and Fannie Mae Foundation;? Ryan ; Meehan;Structure of Nonprofit Funding Market ?,2001
2. Questions to consider: ? How applicable is the "capital market" analogy to the nonprofit context? ? Why hasn't a more robust capital market developed to date? Does that suggest anything about the prospects for one to emerge going forward?;B Drayton;Projects: Interim Reports ? NYU Resources ? Fundraising ? Contract Final Deliverables ? Benefits ? Human Resources ? Screening Procedures Class 9: Student Fund -Selection of Finalists April,2004
3. We'll examine some of the underlying reasons for these relationship dynamics and ways of improving them. Readings: Foundation-Grantee Dynamics ? Menninger;Council on Foundations,1981
4. Moral Values and Private Philanthropy;? Hooker;Social Philosophy & Policy,1987
5. Listening To Grantees: What Nonprofits Value in the Foundation Funders;The Center for Effective Philanthropy,2004