1. 00% 2,679,150,971.73 142000.00% 2,815,119.08 920.00% 410,300,394.56 -30.00% 11;Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV 250000,1920
2. 00% (41,372.69) 116.00% (1,589.77) 211.00% (645.41) 306.00% (613.24) 23 162000.00% (814.44) 1120.00% (741.33) -80.00% (2,812,473,815.00) 22.00% (39,358.68) 117.00% (1,558.14) 212.00% (643.87) 307.00% (613.44) 24 158000.00% (814.43) 1080.00% (738.82) -70.00% (219,512,780.71) 23.00% (37,458.67) 118.00% (1,527.57) 213.00% (642.38) 308.00% (613.64) 25 154000.00% (814.42) 1040.00% (736.14) -60.00% (36,633,760.31) 24.00% (35,665.36) 119.00% (1,498.03) 214.00% (640.94) 309.00% (613.85) 32 126000.00% (814.29) 760.00% (710.33) 10.00% (73,818.89) 31.00% (25,586.55) 126.00% (1,316.99) 221.00% (632.14) 316.00% (615.40) 33 122000.00% (814.26) 720.00% (705.22) 20.00% (43,508.55) 32.00% (24,438.85) 127.00% (1,294.42) 222.00% (631.06) 317.00% (615.63) 34 118000.00% (814.24) 680.00% (699.59) 30.00% (26,798.28) 33.00% (23,351.37) 128.00% (1,272.59) 223.00% (630.01) 318.00% (615.87) 35 114000.00% (814.21) 640.00% (693.38) 40.00% (17,152.58) 34.00% (22,320.52) 129.00% (1,251.46);Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate NPV Guess Rate
3. Cash Flow) is either greater than one or less than minus one (-1), while most discount rates are less than 1.5 (150%), hence, the relationship ??b i ?= ? ?z i ? does not Theorem-16: The Inverse-Function Rule And The Power Rule In Traditional Differentiation (Calculus) Are Wrong;most circumstances, each periodic Project Benefit