1. Elinor Ostrom also included acknowledgments in her Nobel lecture and thanked Patty Lezotte for her "excellent editing skills;Milton Friedman;The 11 laureates who thanked and cited women were John Hicks,1972
2. Friedman (1976) thanked Anna J. Schwartz and Rose Director Friedman, in a longer list of people in researchoriented roles, as well as Gloria Valentine, his secretarial assistant. Schultz thanked his wife, Esther Schultz;Robert Lucas;Merton 1997), and Sen thanked Emma Rothschild and others "for helpful comments and suggestions,1973
3. Development Economics-A Reassessment of Goals;Irma Adelman;The American Economic Review,1975
4. The Gender Gap in Undergraduate Economics Course Persistence and Degree Selection;Laura J Ahlstrom;AEA Papers and Proceedings,2019