1. ? 100%) to obtain subfractions 10a1?10a9. Subfraction 10a2 (25.6 mg) was separated by repeated preparation HPLC;Fr. 9a (14.4 g) was further separated on ODS C18 column (MeOH?H 2 O, v/v, 50% ? 100%) to obtain subfractions 9a1?9a9. Subfraction 9a3 (28.8 mg) was separated by repeated preparation HPLC (MeOH?H 2 O
2. Identification of new compounds 4.4.1 Meliasenan A (1) White amorphous powder;20 D?6.1 (c 0.16 MeOH); UV (MeOH) ? max
3. White amorphous powder;B Meliasenan;MeOH); UV (MeOH) ? max