1. An Analysis of 'Source Code' in the United States: What Challenges Have Been Asserted, and Where is this Litigation Heading Analysis of 'Source Code'?," presented at the International Council on Alcohol;Thomas E Head;Drugs and Traffic Safety,2007
2. The Trojan Horse Defence-A Modern Problem of Digital Evidence;Miha Sepec;Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review,2012
3. The Independence of the Bar as a Constitutional Principle in Canada," in, In the Public Interest: the Report and Research Papers of the Law Society of Upper Canada's Task Force on the Rule of Law and the Independence of the Bar;W Peter;Constitutional Law of Canada 5,2006
4. And see also this statement on LSUC's website: "The Law Society released Alternative Business Structures and the Legal Profession in Ontario: A Discussion Paper on September 24, 2014, to seek input from lawyers, paralegals, stakeholders and the public about Alternative Business Structures (ABS);Alternative Business Structures Working Group Report to Convocation (at Tab 4) of the Professional Regulation Committee Report,2014