Linguistic Communication': A Historical and Structural Typology of Linguistic Categories and Concepts. Contrastive Studies English/Other Contemporary and Historical Languages


Haase Fee-Alexandra


Elsevier BV

Reference115 articles.

1. Monguor irG?-, and Mogol qir?a-for 'shave' and 'scrape'. Proto-Tungus-Manchu *xigdi-in the Altaic etymological range associated with the meaning 'comb' is realted to Evenki igdi-, Even -, Negidal g -, literary Manchu i?i-, Jurchen hir-di-xun for 'comb', Ulcha sigdu-, Orok sigdi-, Nanai sig?i-, Oroch igdi-, and Solon idda-. ProtoKorean *k?rk-and *ka rk-in the Altaic etymological range associated with the meanings 'shear' and 'scrape'. Modern Korean k?k-[k?lk-] and kak-[kalk-], Middle Korean k?rk and ka rk-as well as ProtoJapanese *k k-are related to the Altaic etymological range. Proto-Japanese has the meanings 'scratch' and 'scrape' and related are Old Japanese kak-, Middle Japanese k k-, Tokyo k k-, Kyoto k k-, and Kagoshima k k-. Proto Indo-European *kir� is represented in contemporary English with the meanings 'hew' and 'hit' and contemporary German with the meanings 'hauen' and 'schlagen'. Also related are Mordovian k -, k� -E, k -, and k�ro-for 'beat' and 'cut', Mari (Cheremis) k? re-and kire-for 'beat', Udmurt (Votyak) koral-for 'beat', Proto-Dravidian *ker-with the meaning 'scratch' and related forms like;-;the Altaic etymological range associated with the meanings 'shear' and 'shave' refers to written Mongolian kir?a-, Middle Mongolian kirqa

2. Pokorny's etymon 938-47 (s)ker-, (s)keru-, (s)kre-and Indo-European (s)ker-dh-has the meanings 'cut', 'shear', 'score', and 'scribe'. Pokorny's etymon (s)ker-, (s)keru-, (s)kre-refers to 'cut', 'shear', 'score', and 'scribe' with the basic semantic field 'cut' has as Indo-European reflexes in the Celtic Old Irish in coirt for 'skin' and 'bark', criathar for 'sieve', scaraim for 'separate', Welsh cruitr for 'sieve', cwr for 'skin' as well as English Old English a-scierian for 'cut off' and 'separate', curt for 'short', cyrtel/kyrtel for 'kirtle', haerfest for 'harvest' and 'autumn', he(o)r�a for 'pelt' and 'deerskin', her�an for 'testicles', Hre�er / hrae�er / hra�er for 'breast', 'heart', 'stomach', hrid(d)el for 'coarse sieve', hrid(d)er for ' coarse sieve', scear for '(plow)share', sceard for 'shard' and 'sherd', scearo for 'portion', 'division', 'host', and 'retinue', scearp for 'sharp', scearu/scyru for 'share', 'division', 'cutting', 'tonsure', sceoran, scear, scearon, scoren for 'cut' and 'score', sc(i)eran, scaer, scaeron, scoren for 'cut' and 'shear', scinan for 'shine', scor for 'shore', scort for 'short', scrapian for 'scrape', scread(e) for 'shred' and 'piece', screawa for 'shrew', scrifan for 'shrive' and 'prescribe', scrud for 'shroud' and 'garment', scrybb for 'scrub' and 'brushwood' and scyrte for 'skirt' and 'short garment' as well as Middle English a(s)certainen for 'ascertain' and ascriven for 'ascribe'. discernen has the meaning 'discern';< Write;*(s)ker-with the meanings 'scold' and 'mock' refers to the natural language Tokharian B k�rr-for 'scold' and







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