Database of State Tort Law Reforms (DSTLR 4th)


Avraham Ronen


Elsevier BV

Reference50 articles.

1. Since caps on total damages were held unconstitutional, the majority of justices in Matter of Certification (decided on 1/31/1996) agrees that the previous cap on non-economic damages resurrects. The legislator officially acknowledged;REFORM: Caps on Noneconomic Damages (Medical Malpractice) CITATION: SD,1996

2. DESCRIPTION: Limits non-economic damages in medical liability cases to $500,000. JURY KNOWS: ? CURRENT STATUS: Amended to cap total damages, below. REFORM: Caps on Total Damages (Medical Malpractice) CITATION: SD ST � 21-3-11 EFFECTIVE DATE: March 11;REFORM: Caps on Noneconomic Damages (Medical Malpractice) CITATION: SD,1976

3. DESCRIPTION: The court may deduct collateral source payments from plaintiff's damages, provided there is no right of subrogation;REFORM: Collateral Source Deductions (Medical Malpractice) CITATION: SD,1977

4. DESCRIPTION: Constitutional amendment that provides that the Texas Legislature has the authority to place limits on noneconomic damages for healthcare related lawsuits;REFORM: Caps on Noneconomic Damages (Medical Liability) CITATION: Vernon's Ann. Texas Const. Art. 3, � 66 EFFECTIVE DATE: September,2003

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