1. are: (a) Burr 4p/Johnson SU, and (b) Dagum 4p. The Beta and the Kumaraswamy distributions are rejected as the lower /upper limits of log 10 (JIF) are not fixed. The details are given in Table 6.3. Table-6.3: Estimated Parameters and Goodness of Fit Statistics for;The Logarithmic JIF Data (Psychology Group,2002
2. The distributions best fitted to the;JIF(Social Sc)/log
3. Three best fit distributions to the natural scale JIF data (for the year 2002) are: (a) Burr 3p/4p, (b) Dagum 3p/4p, and (c) Gen. Extreme Value/Gen. Gamma 4p/Log Pearson-III. The details are presented in Table 7.2. Overall, the degrees of goodness of fit on KS/AD and Chi-Square criteria run opposite to;The natural Scale JIF Data
4. A goodness of fit test based on some graphical representation when parameters are estimated