1. 1. Horner, Donald J. and Jack V. Matson. "Teaching Creativity, Innovation, and Change in the Leaderless Classroom." 2001 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Nationa Conference Proceedings. Session 3242.
2. 2. Wulf, William A. and George M.C. Fisher. "A Makeover for Engineering Education." Issues in Science and Technology, Spring, 2002.
3. 3. Adams, James. Conceptual Blockbusting. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Perseus Publishing, 2001.
4. 4. Dekker, Don. "A Class in Creative Design." 2000 ASEE National Conference Proceedings. Session 2325.
5. 5. Horner, Donald J. and Jack V. Matson. "Teaching Creativity, Innovation, and Change in the Leaderless Classroom." 2001 ASEE National Conference Proceedings.